New Canaan’s Most
Beautiful Nonprofit

New Canaan’s Most Beautiful Nonprofit


Our diverse, fun, and informative monthly programs are free, and open to members and their guests.


We’re a fun-loving group of volunteers, and membership is open to all—no green thumb required.


Your tax-deductible donation to us helps support year-round, volunteer-led civic beautification.

Everyone is Welcome to Join!

The New Canaan Beautification League is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the beauty of our town. Our hardworking volunteers fill New Canaan’s shared spaces with beautiful and beneficial plantings, and promote horticultural education for all of New Canaan.

Years of Service

We’ve been making New Canaan beautiful since 1939

Hanging Baskets

In our showstopping
summer displays

Traffic Triangles

Planted and maintained
by NCBL volunteers

Handmade Wreaths

Adorn the town each
holiday season

Unique Species

Of azaleas and rhododendrons bloom each May at Lee Garden

Volunteer Hours

Spent annually making New Canaan a more gorgeous town

2024 In Review

We are proud to release this showcase of some of the projects the Beautification League worked on in 2024 to make New Canaan beautiful!